We've been getting all into the Christmas spirit 'round here! From festive hayrides and parties, to cookie decorating and ornament hanging, wrapping presents, and staring at the Christmas tree in all it's glory....
it's been one very merry month.
{Ellie seeing cows for the first time - complete wonder and awe!}
Andrew loved picking out the (non-fragile) ornaments to hang on the tree, while lil sis Ellie mostly supervised in her favorite chair. Andrew also explained the glee and magic that Christmas morning holds.
One of the best nights was spent baking and decorating sugar cookies with Andrew. We made a giant mess, and were covered in flour and sprinkles by the end of it. But oh the joy on Andrew's face (and mine!) was well worth the clean-up. I can't wait to carry on this tradition for years to come.
We've also spent a lot of the time under the tree, just looking up at it in wonder, checking out all of the wrapped presents, guessing what each could possibly hold, and just looking real cute in our Christmas-y outfits :)
And we can't forget that moment Daddy comes home from work - all is finally right in the world ;)
Hope you and yours are having a wonderful and joyous Christmas season.
May the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, be ever present and near to your hearts, while we remember and celebrate His holy birth. Love you all!