Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sweet Surprise

This weekend marked the beginning of my new shift at work -- the dreaded weekend shift. It is definitely not an ideal time to work, and it will be so hard having a completely opposite schedule than my hubby. But we can do it! I am so thankful for a job, and for this specific job, and I LOVE what I do. And it's only 2 years!

It was hard being away from John this weekend, and it was REALLY hard not being able to go to church with him this morning. Sunday mornings are one of my favorite times of the entire week, spending the morning with my love in a place that I love, worshiping a God I love. Being at work ALL day today was tough, but it was so nice to come home and find this......

Treats from my sweets. Love him.


Anonymous said...

I literally have goosebumps all over my body! Love that Johnny! What a sweet heart!!! xo

P.S. Calling you today!

Aubrey said...

AWWWW!!!!!!sweeeetttttt!!!!!!!! love u and miss u soo much!!!!!!

Courtney Humphreys said...

sweet hubby!! miss you, em.

Unknown said...

Soooo sweeet!!