Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Happy 16 Months!

Dear Baby Boy,

With all the growing and changing you have done over the past several months, I feel as though I can't call you my "Baby Boy" anymore!  You have become such a big boy lately!  Ever since you started walking at almost 15 months (finally!), you have taken off, exploring the world, and going on every adventure you can imagine.

You love to listen to music, shimmying your shoulders, and moving your feet as fast as you can.

You are inquisitive, but cautious.  Still shy, but definitely slowly warming up to strangers and new situations.

You have 6 teeth now, and love to show them off with your sweet little grin.  I see your Daddy so much in the way you smile.  Even though you're growing big and strong every day, you're still a little peanut, weighing in at 19lbs, and 30 inches long.  In size 3 diapers, and mostly 12 months clothing. I even still have you in the infant carseat!  But hopefully not for much longer.

Speaking of the car, you love going on rides, quietly observing the passing trees and cars, or your reflection in the mirror in front of you.  Daddy and I joke that we must have left you at home once we are on a car ride, because you are that quiet!  It must really soothe and comfort you.  You still take a pacifier, but mostly only in the crib or in the car.  Your hair is growing and curling up every which way it can.  It's so precious, and one of my favorite things about you.  I never want to cut it!

You are brave.  You are sweet.  You are independent, but such a snuggle bug too.
You're our favorite thing in the world.

Things you love:

Putting on your shoes 
Looking out the windows
Riding on Daddy's shoulders
Playing in the sandbox
Waffles, cheese, strawberries, and sweet potatoes
Reading your Bible before bed
 Going on long walks outside
Putting toys in and out of baskets all day long
Mixing bowls and spoons
Saying "Dada", "Ball", "Shoes", "Cheese", "Mama", and "Bath"
Napping, and sleeping 12 hours at night!

Things you don't:

Getting your diaper changed
Putting clothes on (especially over your head)
Getting out of the bathtub
Not getting your way!  ;)

We love your precious boy.  Thank you for the joy and laughter you bring into our lives on a daily basis.  I love being your mama, what a humbling privilege it has been.  I pray that you continue to smile, to love others, to see the good in people, and to seek Jesus in all you do. We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.  You are such a gift. 

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Weekend(s) Recap!

Somehow, I completely failed to post our Easter weekend on the blog, so I wanted to do a quick recap, as well as share a few more recent weekend pics!  
Easter is one of my favorite holidays - it is the beautiful reminder of God's promise, the hope we have in Him, and the sacrifice He gave to forgive our sins and give us eternal life.  It is a glorious day - and I always feel such a sense of renewal and rejuvenation this weekend.  And how good are the Easter hymns and songs - love them!  

We had a wonderful weekend, celebrating with just the 3 of us ;)  Although we of course miss our family terribly during holidays, it's really a special and sweet time we have together, making memories, and creating new traditions for us.  Times I'll never forget.

On Sunday, it was French toast for breakfast, Church (an amazing service!), and back home for Easter baskets and fun!

(of course Andrew had an Easter basket from his Mimi and Papa D!)

My little bunny and me!


This past weekend was the most beautiful one we've had yet!
And you better believe we spent about every possible second of it outside - basking in the sun, and checking out some of the parks nearby.  Andrew is finally able to actually explore a little, and he especially loves the sandbox, and digging with sticks and rocks.  He also can't get enough of the swings at the park! 

Hope y'all have had a great weekend, and a fabulous start to the new week!

Now we're off to the pediatrician for Andrew's 15 month checkup!  I'm really hoping he has put on a few lbs!  This little peanut is still in 9 month clothes!

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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Our Anniversary Getaway

For our seventh (!!!) wedding anniversary this month, John and I were able to escape for a little relaxing getaway - just the two of us!  It was such a perfect weekend, and my in-laws were so gracious to keep Andrew, while we slept and ate the weekend away!  A much needed, and much awaited mini vacay.  It's just good for the soul, I tell ya!

Our B&B for the weekend!

We loved exploring our historic and quaint little town, and although it was a little cool, we had beautiful weather.

We ate delicious food, the best mac & cheese we'd both ever had!
Highly recommend Karla's and Cafe Blue Moose if you're in the Del River area!

We definitely missed our little guy, since we had both never left him before.  
But it helped to get these super-cute selfies from Papa while we were gone! ;)

We had such a great weekend - so rejuvenating and romantic  - exactly what we needed!

Happy 7 years, sweetie!  I love you more and more every single day, and am so blessed to be yours!

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