I don't know if it's the never-ending snow, the fact that it takes 45 minutes just to get enough layers on to go to the mailbox, or that I have a teething one-year-old, but I've been in a blogging rut lately!
I just can't seem to even form words or thoughts, much less put them on paper, er, the keyboard.
But I have lots of pictures on my iPhone (yep, not even my real camera has come off of the shelf in a few weeks), so this is really just kind of a photo dump post, and what we've been up to lately! ;)
Please tell me y'all are in a winter funk too, and it's not just me daydreaming of sunshine, flip flops, margaritas on the rocks, and actual WALKS outside! UGH. This weather is for the birds.
Well, I joined a gym! I seriously haven't been to a real gym since college, and even that was just to do the elliptical for .5 seconds, and gab with my roommate about the cute guy lifting weights (this was of course my hubby-to-be!)
I haven't consistently worked out since Andrew has been born, except for daily walks in the stroller, so it was time to get my booty into shape! And I LIVE for a good class at the gym! I joined one that is less than a mile from our house (so no excuses!), and I've been almost every single day for the past month! I love it!
Zumba, Spinning, Barre, and Pilates have been my favorite classes.
A peek at the gym:
I also had to get some new cute workout clothes, well, because......

John had a work conference in NYC last week, and he graciously invited Andrew and me to tag along :) We didn't get to spent a whole lotta time with Daddy, but we still had a great time! I just love the Big Apple! It's so alive! Even when it's freezing outside!
(our amazing hotel in Time's Square - same building as the Hershey's store - trouble!)
It was a fabulous week - filled with good friends, good food, and good shopping of course!
Oh yeah,
I chopped my hair! Thank you Wendy, and Liv for my new 'do!
We celebrated Valentine's Day with homemade cards, take out Sushi, baby bow-ties, and the oh-so-romantic viewing of Gone Girl - maybe not the best movie for Valentine's Day! ;)
And last but not least, I received my second Stitch Fix box in the mail over the weekend!
I loved everything - it was filled with such great goodies!
A few of my pieces:
.....and an outtake-
I ended up falling in love with the jeans, so I kept those, but returned everything else. ONLY because I did some major shopping damage in NYC, and was low on clothing funds. But again, I was very happy with my items, and can't wait to do another box in the spring!
Sign up for Stitch Fix here, if you haven't already!
And here's my first box review ;)
WHEW! Well, that's about as good of a recap as I can do!
Hope y'all are staying warm, and having a great week!!