Dear Baby Girl,
Or should I say "Baby Blue Eyes"!
You are 4 months old, and just the happiest girl in the world! Smiling is quite positively your favorite thing to do. All it takes is a little eye contact and a smile from anyone nearby, and you are grinning from ear to ear!
Rolling over, sleeping through the night (yay!), reaching for faces and toys, and grabbing hair are some of the new things you have conquered this month! You are interacting more and more with Andrew, which has been so much fun to watch! Andrew loves reading to you, and showing you his toys. And of course, you are all ears and eyes! If your big brother is anywhere nearby, all attention is on him ;)
This month, you took your first trip to the beach! It was an 8 hour car ride (each way!), and you really were a champ. Tears were shed, but mostly you slept! Great job! Mimi and Papa D loved spending time with you, and there was no shortage of cuddles and snuggles that week.
Your content and calm demeanor is so refreshing. It reminds me to rest more, to live in the "present", to appreciate the little things, and notice the beauty all around me.
I love our days together while your big bro is at school.
We sing songs, play dress up, grocery shop, and I give you approximately 1000 kisses a day.
I hope you always know how loved and adored you are. By your family, and by God.
You are such a precious gift, and a bright shining light.
Things you love:
Looking in the mirror
When anyone smiles at you
Rock and Play
Tummy Time
Playing in Andrew's crib
Bath time
Things you don't love:
13lbs 9oz
25 1/4 inches long
We love you sweet girl!
Happy 4 months!