It was Dec 23, 2013.
A cold, but beautiful day! And the greatest day of my entire life. The day I became a Mommy.
We were all checked in to Princeton Hospital, about a mile from our house. Andrew's due date was actually Christmas Eve, but we were induced a day early for a few reasons. Being induced was both nerve-wracking, and exciting. On the one hand, I was forcing my body, and my baby to start the labor process, and it felt unnatural, and scary. There was a chance that my body would not respond well to the pitocin, decide not to labor, and I would end of having a C-section. I also read (darn all that free time I had the week before to google anything and everything) that being induced is more painful than regular labor, and the contractions are worse.
Of course there were upsides to it as well. My doctors had been a little bit worried about my placenta function towards the end of my pregnancy, so this was ultimately their decision to induce and not let me go past my due date (in case my placenta function decreased rapidly at/after 40 weeks). I felt very confident in their decision and in the plan we had. Also, I could REALLY prepare myself for going into the hospital - my bags were completely packed, I took the longest shower of my life right before, and John and I got to have lots of good QT leading up to the day. And both sets of grandparents-to-be were able to plan and make the trip for the big day!
Although I do wonder what it would have been like for my water to break, and start the labor process on my own, I am so happy with the way that everything turned out. And I thank God for a wonderful and healthy labor and delivery.
We were all checked in to Princeton Hospital, about a mile from our house. Andrew's due date was actually Christmas Eve, but we were induced a day early for a few reasons. Being induced was both nerve-wracking, and exciting. On the one hand, I was forcing my body, and my baby to start the labor process, and it felt unnatural, and scary. There was a chance that my body would not respond well to the pitocin, decide not to labor, and I would end of having a C-section. I also read (darn all that free time I had the week before to google anything and everything) that being induced is more painful than regular labor, and the contractions are worse.
Of course there were upsides to it as well. My doctors had been a little bit worried about my placenta function towards the end of my pregnancy, so this was ultimately their decision to induce and not let me go past my due date (in case my placenta function decreased rapidly at/after 40 weeks). I felt very confident in their decision and in the plan we had. Also, I could REALLY prepare myself for going into the hospital - my bags were completely packed, I took the longest shower of my life right before, and John and I got to have lots of good QT leading up to the day. And both sets of grandparents-to-be were able to plan and make the trip for the big day!
Although I do wonder what it would have been like for my water to break, and start the labor process on my own, I am so happy with the way that everything turned out. And I thank God for a wonderful and healthy labor and delivery.
So, we had checked into the hospital the evening before (Dec 22), and I was given IV fluids and medication for my cervix. John and I got to order dinner, and we watched movies until we he finally nodded off to sleep. I didn't sleep a wink. Nerves, anxiety, excitement, the hospital bed -
whatever it was, I was awake, all night long.
whatever it was, I was awake, all night long.
That morning, Dec 23, around 7:00am,
I was given Pitocin - the medication to start the labor process. And around 9:00am, my contractions began. They started off very bearable, and slowly became more strong, more painful. We made sure to keep track of how we both were doing...
I was given Pitocin - the medication to start the labor process. And around 9:00am, my contractions began. They started off very bearable, and slowly became more strong, more painful. We made sure to keep track of how we both were doing...
We listened to Andrew's heart beat, and took his pulse....
I had about 4 hours of contractions before I opted for the epidural. I was in a lot of pain, but the wonderful nurses and John helped me get through it. I knew that I needed to save up all my energy for later.
4 hours after the epidural (8 hours of labor total), I began to feel like it was time to push. I was right - I was 10 centimeters!
The doctor came in, and we immediately began. It was the hardest thing I've ever done.
But oh so worth it!
At 5:38, after 21 minutes of pushing, Andrew Harrison was born!
6lbs 15oz
19 inches
He only cried a little, and his eyes were bright and wide, taking everything in.
He was so alert!
He got all cleaned up, and we finally got to hold him!
He was such a sweetheart, and didn't even make a peep throughout all the passing around.
He looked up at everyone, and we immediately fell in love.
John was smiling from ear to ear - he was so proud, and it melted my heart to see those two together.
Andrew - holding you for the first time, I have never felt anything like it before. My heart was overflowing with love for you, and I thanked God for choosing us to be your parents.
You got to meet both sets of grandparents!
They were so proud - and it was very special to see my parents become grandparents for the first time! You are the light of their lives already!
The next two days were magical - we got to hold you, snuggle with you, and begin this wonderful journey of parenthood with you.
There are no words for the joy I have in my heart for this little blessing - can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for his life. I am just so thankful to be his Mommy.
Thank you all for sharing in this journey with us - it's such an exciting time!
And please forgive the embarrassing amount baby posts that will be appearing more frequently :)

What a beautiful story and an even more beautiful baby boy! Congratulations!
such a blessing indeed!
So Happy for you and your growing family!
XOXO Bunnie
Gorgeous story and one you'll treasure for forever! What a blessing!
beautiful story!! what a sweet blessing your baby boy is. enjoy every single moment with him.
Congratulations again! Sounds like you had a great experience! I have had 2 wonderful experiences with mine...such a blessing.
Aaaawwww! What a sweet little boy!
Thanks for sharing your special day and the baby pics - can't wait to see and hear more about your new journey. Hope you are recovering nicely, and Andrew understands that Mommy needs her sleep ;-)
Beautiful birth story!! Sounds like it wasn't too bad at all.
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