Dear my THREE-year-old BOY!
You are not a baby anymore, or even a toddler. 3 years old is old. I have all the emotions of a mom sending their high-school senior off to college. Which feels like it's gonna be tomorrow. Too soon.
Too fast. The years have flown by, but let me just say....
They have been filled with the greatest joy and love that I've ever known.
Because of you. Because of the gift and blessing you are to our family.
From the day we found out we were expecting you, our hearts have grown and grown with love for you. And don't think for a second that our hearts are maxed out. Because guess what?
Somehow, some way, God keeps making room in our hearts for more love.
When you quietly sing "Jesus Loves Me" or climb up onto our laps to read your favorite books.
When you rush over to comfort Ellie if she falls down or gets upset.
When you give one of your sweet compliments to me...."I love your dress, Mama!"
When you say you're sorry and tell us how "po-wite" you are.
When you give us bear hugs.
When you belly laugh while Daddy tickles the mess out of you.
When you eat all your dinner ;)
You are so loved sweet boy.
Thank you for making our family so special.
Happy 3rd year of your precious life.
God is so good.
*I have kept a journal in my phone of "Andrew-isms" during his 3rd year of life. Whenever he says or does something sweet, funny, or just memorable, I jot it down so I won't forget it.
Here are a few "Andrew-isms" at 3 years old.*
A perfectly healthy Andrew:
"I can't carry my toy's too heavy. And my leg hurts."
Looking down at his feet in the grass outside:
"Watch out - those 'squitos are gonna git me!"
Ellie coughs.
Mama: "You ok, Ellie?
Andrew (fake coughs): "Don't worry, I ok, too Mama."
Taking bites out of his graham cracker and waffle:
"Look it's a chair!" "It's a choo choo train!"
(quite the imagination!)
Pushing Ellie in stroller outside around the carport. Puts her stroller up to back steps.
"Alwight baby, we made it! We are AT the museum! I'll be right back. Now let me put the shade down so there's no sun in your eyes."
Drawing on his dry erase board, scribbles something:
"Look, Mama! Do you love it?"
Mama: "I do love it!"
Andrew sighing, "It's beautiful."
Holding play phone up to his ear, nods to Gigi and whispers to her:
"I've just got to go make a quick phone call."
"Stay here Ellie. I've got to go pee pee and poo poo. I'll be right back. I'ts gonna be a big one."
Andrew calls from living room:
"What are you doing, Mama?"
Mama: Oh just cleaning the playroom, what are you doing?"
Andrew: "I'm reading books and singing songs for Jesus!"
Driving out of the driveway on the way to school:
"Oh, wait! I forgot my lipstick."
Mama singing "Joy to the World" maybe a little passionately:
Andrew: We are inside, Mama. That is waaaay too wowd."
"I just can't reach it. My arms are too big."
Picking Andrew up from school and buckling him into the car seat.
Mama: "Oooh what color lollipop did you get to bring home? Looks like you got yellow!"
Andrew, gazing at my face, "Yep, yellow. Like your teeth."
Mama getting Ellie dressed, and pulls her dress over her head.
Andrew walks in at that moment.
"Oooh baby, you look beautiful."
Instead of "this", he calls is "that":
elbow: "uncle"
ipad: "puter"
sponge: "squish"
elevator: "alligator"
nothing: "nuffing"
cracker: "cwacka"
cupcakes: "cukcapes"
Food: banana with peanut butter
Book: Little Blue Truck
Song: ABC's and Jesus Loves Me
Toys: Fire truck and airplane, disposable camera
30 lbs
38" tall