I have the biggest smile on my face right now. One of those kinds that almost hurts your cheeks.
This goofy grin is all due to the fact that I get to share some pretty amazing news with you all...
First let me thank you for being a part of my blogging journey!
You all mean so much to me - and I'm so thankful for you.
Our little family is expanding! By two little feet!
John and I are overjoyed, over the moon excited, pinching ourselves everyday.
And praising God for this wonderful blessing.
I can't wait to see how this next chapter of our life unfolds, and I am so excited to learn so much from the blogging world too!
Thank you for your love, and for your prayers for our little peanut.... whose expected arrival date is Christmas Eve!
I'll leave you with a little love note (the first one) I wrote...and I hope to make these letters somewhat of a tradition ;)
april 26, 2013
hi, baby-
we found out about you today :)
the 2 lines on the pregnancy test were the Lord's answer to so many of our prayers.
do you know how many prayers have been lifted up for you?
our worlds have turned upside down already- and we can't even believe it's true.
actually your daddy still doesn't believe it. he is worried about you.
i think when we actually see you on ultrasound in a few weeks, then he'll really believe. but i believe now.
God has given me this surreal faith, faith in Him, and faith in you. i couldn't believe my eyes, when i saw the lines;
i immediately ran out so i could surprise your daddy.
i got him the sweetest card and inside i taped the pregnancy test.
and a bible verse, james 1:17. "every good and perfect gift comes from above."
it's so true, little one. you are good, and you are perfect. and you come from Heaven. i will thank God every day for the rest of my life for giving you to us. for you are His.
i already feel guilty that you'll have your birthday during the Christmas season. but if you have to share a birthday with anyone, Jesus is a pretty good pick ;)
don't worry - you'll have your own big birthday party, completely separate from Christmas.
maybe it will even be a luau or Hawaiian themed. anything for you.
see there, already - you're wrapped around mommy's finger!
we love you. we love you. we love you. that's all we can muster right now. our prayer is that you are healthy, growing strong, and will stay put. don't you go anywhere!
my tummy is the warmest, coziest spot you could find. so get comfortable. put up your feet, (preferably as far away from my bladder as possible), and stay awhile.
we also pray that God not only knits you together perfectly in body, but is knitting you a heart for Him. a heart that will beat for Him and love Him just as He loves you.
oh and by the way, i feel amazing! no symptoms yet! so thanks for that, sweet pea.
love you, a bushel and a peck. and then a whole lot more.

Hi Emily! I have been reading your blog since my SIL, Chelsea, started her blog :) First, congrats on the exciting news! It is truly a gift from God!!!
Our oldest daughter was born the day after Christmas, so the whole month of December is basically her birthday :) We have always made it known to the family that Christmas and her birthday are separate and it has worked great for the past 6 years.
Congrats again!
Best wishes to all 3 of you. The best is yet to come!
Congratulations Emily!!! How exciting! I can't wait to hear about the rest of the journey, God's so good!
Emily!!!! I am soooohappy for you !!!! You a s John will be amazing parents. Blessed little babe already!!! Love you!!!
AHH! Congrats love!!! I am so so excited for you and John!! What an amazing gift after a wonderful vacation! Can't wait to hear more about the new addition, SO SO excited for you!
Ahhh, Emily! So, so excited for you guys! Congratulations!
my heart is so full of love for the sadlow fam!! Cant wait to rub your belly sooooooooooon!
Congratulations!! So exciting!! Pregnancy is such an amazing experience- you can't really understand until you go through it!
So exciting! My mom was born Christmas Day and I was born New Years Day. The awesome thing about your Christmas baby is that you will always be able to be with him or her for their birthday! Even when they are off at college, they will be home for the holidays and you'll be able to celebrate that day with them. Congratulations, best wishes!
CONGRATS! So happy for you guys! Can't wait to read about your journey :)
got goosebumps ready the letter to your little one. my birthday is 4 days after Christmas and it's really not THAT bad. :)
I was beyond thrilled for you both when I saw the news on Instagram and to have a little one due on Christmas Eve, what a beautiful gift that will be for you both...eeek!!! Love, love, love this post and your beautiful letter to your baby, so cute!!! Congratulations to you both!!! :) :) :)
We are beyond excited for you both!!! Glad we get to follow along on this wonderful journey with you!
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings
Congratulations how very exciting!!
SOOO happy for you and your growing family Ems! You will be a beautiful, wonderful mom :)
This is tears-fill-my-eyes beautiful!!! So excited for your little family - congrats!!!
So so so excited for you!!! CONGRATS!!
This is THE sweetest first blog post that I've ever read! Just found your blog and I'm looking forward to your posts to come. CONGRATS!
CONGRATS! That is so exciting! My friend had a Christmas Eve Baby last year. Such a great Christmas present!
I just "found" your blog and what a perfect first read! Congrats to you and your growing family!!!
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