I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We got to celebrate with my family here in NC, and had such a great time together (post to come on that soon!) But now that all the bows are untied, the wrapping has been torn and the tissue paper has been crumpled, I know some of you might be feeling similar to the way I am feeling.....overwhelmed with gratitude and thankfulness. So blessed to receive all these wonderful gifts and cards from loved ones and friends. Thankful that we have the means to have our stockings over-flowing and presents piled under the tree. And although unwrapping these wonderful surprises is such a treat and a joyous tradition, I can't help but feel a little selfish for all the gadgets and goodies that I have added to my collection. If you're like me, you might want to give back a little, and maybe to someone you might not even know.........
I was first introduced to the company fashionABLE by the gorgeous Bachelorette, Jillian Harris, when she gave one of these beautiful scarves away on her blog:
Her blog post sent me to the website where I learned all about this amazing non-profit company, fashionABLE, that gives the women of Ethiopia a new chance at life. And now I want to share this company's mission with you....
1 out of 9 girls who live here in Africa, are forced into prostitution due to extreme poverty. fashionABLE employs and trains these women in the art of scarf-making, and 100% of the scarves' profit goes back to help Ethiopian women/girls literally work their way off the streets. Each beautiful scarf is handmade by these amazing women. Attached to each scarf, you will find a personalized note explaining how, because of that scarf purchase, they are now more ABLE to live productive and dignified lives, while supporting their family in a healthy way.
Some of these brave women:



....and their VERY fashionable, handmade scarves:

So if you have any last minute gifts to give, or if your favorite scarf is starting to fall apart, or if you simply have the means, and are in the GIVING back kind of mood, head over to fashionABLE, and help change the lives of the women and girls of Ethiopia. And I bet that feeling that you get will be even better than opening up one of the items that was on your wish list :)