1. Breakfast in bed
yep, I got up, made breakfast, and then got back in bed :)
2. Treats from the week
these powerberries from Trader Joes are delicious and so addictive!
found these precious notecards at Marshalls for $2.99!
nyx blush ("mauve"), benefit mascara,
and cover girl nail polish (reminds me of essie tart deco!)

3. I finally bit the bullet and ordered an Erin Condren life planner, after years of swooning over them.
I can't WAIT to get it and start planning my life in a much cuter way :)
4. It is a winter wonderland outside. It's supposed to snow 8 inches and it's 16 degrees outside! Being a Florida girl, this is VERY exciting to me!!
....well, at least it is when I'm inside, snuggled up with 4 blankets and there is a fire going in the fireplace......I'm not as excited about having to go outside or drive in it.

5. Hubs and I are having a "date night in", so we got to pick out our own snacks and movies :)
I picked Gummy Bears and Pitch Perfect.

He picked Cherry Garcia ice cream and Bourne Legacy.

Hope you all have a FABULOUS weekend!!
What are your plans?