My new blogger friend, Hilliary, over at Happily Ever Healthy tagged me on this fun blog post! You're basically getting 11 random facts about me, as well as 11 answers to Hilliary's specific questions! And then I will tag 11 other bloggers with my own 11 questions at the end :)
So if you would like to read a lot of
useless amazing information about me - read on! ;)
11 Facts About Me:
1. I grew up in the wonderful, sunny state of Florida, where I became the biggest lover of surf, sand, and seafood. I miss it tremendously, and have to make it back there every spring and summer.
2. I am slightly addicted to reality TV - from American Idol, to Extreme Makeover Home Edition, to The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. It's slightly embarrassing, but I can't help it! I get sucked in!

3. Peonies and hydrangeas are my favorite flowers. I had both of these growing in our backyard in Tennessee and they always made me smile :)

4. I hate to clean. I am definitely well-organized and neat, but I despise the dusting, scrubbing and sweeping. Thankfully, John is GREAT at it, and doesn't mind at all :)
5. Speaking of my hubs, John and I will have been married for 4 years in March. We will have been together for 8 years- the most amazing 8 years of my life. He is my true love and my best friend.
6. If you ever catch me in the movie theater, I will ALWAYS be snacking on either Gummy Bears (Haribo are my fave) or Swedish Fish - I'm obsessed with them both.
7. I love road trips. With big groups, or even by myself. Singing along to old CD's (from Britney to the Beach Boys), car snacks - Chex Mix, Cherry Coke, and Chick-Fil-A, and the windows down. Ahhhh, I love it!
8. If I'm in the mood for shopping, you can find me at J.Crew, H&M, Sephora, or Target.
9. I LOVE to bake - it's kind of a problem. I have to limit myself to the amount of days a week I can bake. It's a stress reliever for me, and of course, so delicious!!
10. John and I are in the process of planning our dream vacation to Europe! (We are thinking Paris, Germany, Austria, Prague, Hungary, Switzerland, and Italy. I'm already day-dreaming of endless amounts of pizza, crepes, and gelato.)
11. I love Jesus. I am nothing without His grace and love.
"...If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all- how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?"
Romans 8: 31-32
11 Questions from Hilliary:
1- If you could drop everything and move anywhere in the world where would you go?
This is a toughy, because I have family and friends scattered all around the country, BUT, I would have to say San Francisco! I absolutely fell in love with the city 2 years ago, and I dream about it probably on a weekly basis :)
San Francisco 2010 |
2- What is your favorite type of clothing?
I love the 70's, so bohemian-chic would be my favorite :) I love loose, blousy tops, fur vests, and colorful jewelry. BUT I definitely prefer skinny jeans to wide leg jeans.

Halloween 2011 - Hippie at Heart :)

3- What is your favorite girl scout cookie?
Tagalongs -- can't beat chocolate and peanut butter in my book.
4- OPI or Essie nail polish?
Hmmm, I like both! But lately I've been wearing Essie more.
My current favorite color is Bobbing for Baubles.
5- Do you have a signature perfume or do you like to change up your perfume daily?
I actually like to change it up with the seasons. In the summer I like to wear Britney Spears Fantasy - don't judge.
And in the winter, I love Flowerbomb.
I did wear Angel by Theirry Mugler for the longest time, so I would have to say that might be my "signature scent".
7- If you had to eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?
Easy - peanut butter. Obsessed. But only Peter Pan Creamy ;)
8- What is one thing you have learned from the blogging community?
That even strangers that live thousands of miles away can become such wonderful and dear friends, because of a shared passion of blogging. And to take full advantage of that! The level of support, encouragement, and love truly amazes me every day and I have been so blessed by this community!
9- Dogs or Cats?
Dogs all the way. I'm dying for a goldendoodle puppy.
Cats are cute, but I'm highly allergic. When I was a little girl, I got the cutest kitten for Christmas from Santa and named her Smoky. But soon my parents realized that my sweet Christmas kitty was making me sneeze and cough and itch, so Smoky had to go :( It was sooooo sad. But little Sanderson came soon after that, and he was the best dog ever!
10- What is your dream job and why?
My dream job is actual the job that I do! I am an Ultrasound Sonographer, and I work in a large trauma hospital in NC. I do all kinds of ultasounds (head, neck, stomach, OB, pelvis, arms, legs - you name it, I do it), on patients from 1 day old to 105 years old. It is a joy and a passion, and I feel so blessed to do a job that I love.
They were so sweet, and I have loved keeping up with them!
Can't wait to meet more blogger friends in the future!
And now, I'm going to pass the post along to these 11 bloggers!
Everything EDK
Seashells and Southern Belles
Classic Annie
Fabulous Fashions 4 Sensible Style
Mackey Madness
Life of a Charleston Wife
Schue Love
Coral Cafe
Southern Hospitality
The Bloodworths
Natalie Merrillyn
And here are my questions:
1 - Are you more a "chick flick" gal, or do you like "action and adventure" movies?
2 - What is your favorite city that you have traveled to?
3 - What is your go-to weeknight dinner?
4 - What are you scared of?
5 - Who is your favorite actress/actor?
6 - What is one of your favorite childhood memories?
7 - Where would your dream vacation be?
8 - You're at the Starbucks counter - what are you ordering?
9 - What's your favorite make-up or beauty product?
10 - Is there a fashion trend right now that you are loving?
11 - What celeb do you wish you could trade closets with?
So here is what you do:
Post 11 fun facts about you
Answer the questions that the tagger set up for you, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag
Tag 11 new bloggers and link them on your profile
Let those 11 bloggers know you tagged them!
Hope you enjoyed this!!
(all pictures are either from my blog or google images)