How far along? 20 weeks...halfway there! Time is flying!
Baby Size: Baby is the size of a banana - I celebrated by making these! ;)
Total weight gain/loss: 11+ lbs and counting
Maternity clothes? Still wearing maternity skinny jeans, and regular tops and dresses. My scrubs for work are starting to get small though! Eek!
Stretch marks? Not yet....
Sleep: Sleeping great! Still not yet waking up to pee - so nice!
Best moment this week: John feeling baby boy move!! So incredible. Simply amazing.
Miss Anything? Margaritas. And Mojitos. It's summertime and I love summertime cocktails!
Movement: Feeling a lot of fluttering - more than ever lately!
Food cravings: Sour patch kids, cheese sticks, and fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not feeling sick, but having awful indigestion! Yuck.
Have you started to show yet: Yep! I can't believe I'll still be growing for 5 more months!
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? This heat has made my fingers swell, so they are off this week!
Mood? So joyful :) So thankful.
Looking forward to: Sharing the name --- it's picked!
{Our 20 week Ultrasound}
Baby boy is looking perfect - weighing in at 11oz, and still has the due date of Christmas Eve!
Thank you God for this amazing blessing! My heart is so full already!

You look so so good! Oh my gosh I'm so excited for you and your sweet family! I can't believe you will get a little Christmas present! AWW so sweet! Love following your pregnancy!
I love him already!! So happy you're having a great pregnancy Emmie!
You look great!! Sounds like things are going well- I can't believe you are already more than half way through! It will be here before you know it.
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