hi baby boy!
you are 19 weeks today! mommy has felt you move for the first time this week. and oh what an incredible feeling that has been.
you especially like to flutter about after I sneeze, while i'm eating peanut butter ice cream, and when your daddy plays you the star wars theme song.
he thinks you already love star wars - and he even secretly wants to name you "Jedi". obviously mommy has WAY to much control over the name situation to let that one fly, but just get ready for some crazy nick-names from your dad.
you are growing perfectly and i do check on you from time to time at work on our ultrasound machines. i just like to catch a quick glimpse of you - and you're always in the reclined position, feet up and arms over your head. just relaxed as can be. i hope you're comfortable :)
we can't wait to meet you little one - i day-dream about whether you'll have hair or not when you're born. whether you'll have your dad's eyelashes (i hope so!), or my crooked nose (i hope not!). our first baby shower is coming up in Tennessee, but gifts have already been pouring in from family and friends. i hope you feel the love and the excitement that is going on out here for you. because there's a lot of it.
stay snug, little bug.
i love you,
How far along? 19 weeks...almost halfway there!
Baby Size: Baby is the size of a mango - John's favorite food! ;)
Total weight gain/loss: 9+ lbs and counting
Maternity clothes? I finally wore my first maternity jeans this week - thanks to an amazing GAP maternity sale! Still wearing my "normal" tops and maxi dresses.
Stretch marks? Not yet, just oiling and lotioning like crazy!
Sleep: Sleeping great, starting using a small wedge pillow under me this week, which has been so comfortable! And I'm not yet waking up to pee - so glad about that!
Best moment this week: Feeling baby boy MOVE!! It's my favorite feeling in the world.
Miss Anything? Margaritas and Queso dip.
Movement: Feeling a lot of fluttering - can't wait til John can feel him move too!
Food cravings: Sour patch kids, Cheese, Peanut Butter, and Fruit
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not feeling sick at all anymore! Still not a big fan of fish though.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes, the bump is there!
Gender: BOY!!!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In....side note, I have a super deep belly button, and I'm so curious to see if it will pop out!
Wedding rings on or off? On...although in this heat, I have noticed a little finger bloating...yikes.
Mood? So excited!!
Looking forward to: My first baby shower coming up at the end of the month! And picking a name!

You look so cute! I was much bigger at that point, LOL. I remember my fingers bloating too -- so creepy! I hope things continue to go good!!!
You look so gorgeous!! Love you!
You look fantastic!!!
Question - the margs I understand, but why no queso?!?!
Aw, you look gorgeous!! So glad that you are feeling good too!!
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings
congratulations http://differentcands.blogspot.kr/2013/08/whatiwear-competition-winner.html
Your look absolutely beautiful! Love the update on the little one! Have a a great week!
awww the first kicks are the best!!! yaaay!! i love that so much!
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