sometimes....I catch myself looking into the mirror and not recognizing this bump! it's REALLY starting to pop right now!
sometimes....I eat an entire bag (like the full-size) of Frito Scoops on the way home from the grocery, because I simply can't stop myself., all the time, I wish I lived closer to my fam and best friends.
sometimes....I just stare at baby boy's clothes in his closet, and picture what he'll look like wearing them.
sometimes....I catch myself watching Lifetime Movie Network.....for 5 hours straight.
sometimes....I run out of gas in my car, and my phone dies while trying to call someone for help. yep, that "sometimes" happened this week, and will hopefully never happen again.
sometimes....I walk into Target for toilet paper, and end up spending $100 on who-knows-what.
sometimes....I wonder why I blog, and I wonder if anyone out there even is reading it.
sometimes....I forget to wash my makeup off before bed. I know, gross. hubby and I play footsie in bed before we fall asleep, like little middle schoolers flirting on the playground.
whats one of your "sometimes....."? do share :)

Sometimes....I stay up super late watching junk tv (Currently RHONJ) just to enjoy the quiet of the house even though I'll pay for it in the morning.
I read your blog! I often choose to go to bed without washing my face b/c I'm way too tired. Pregnancy makes you do lots of things you normally wouldn't!! Like eating donuts 5 out of 7 mornings last week...ugh! It's all worth it though :)
Hey friend!! You look so cute! We sometimes go to Target and do the same thing!! :-)
Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings
Sometimes...I drink the bottle of wine without even realizing it. Sometimes...i forget to take off my make up too. Oops.
Sometimes I buy fresh cookies from the grocery store and eat 4 before I even get home
Sometimes I don't shower bc I'm too tired and the idea of blow drying my hair is exhausting
I also always spend $100 every time I go to Target!!
Baby clothes are the best! Miller has started growing out of some and it makes me so sad :(
Sometimes Josephine and I stay in our pjs all day...and I love those days! Sometimes I feel the same about this whole blogging thing :) I love reading your blog, so keep doing what you're doing!
Sometimes I don't get my kids dressed. Diapers and t-shirts. All day long.
Sometimes I watch Titanic when I come across it on the tv. From start to finish.
Hahaha, your gas station experience can actually get worse:
I do read and like your blog :-)
Sometimes... I work out and go straight to bed without showering. Eww.
Also - please keep blogging! I love your blog and I promise I read it!
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