Splurge or Save:
Finding The Right Balance With Baby Supplies
Do you need those $100 baby accessories? It's a question I frequently asked myself when trying to prepare for my pregnancy on a budget. After having my daughter, I'm now a little wiser and better suited to give advice on where you can splurge and where you can save on certain baby items. Here are a few ideas!
Splurge: Crib

There's just no alternative to the real thing, not when it comes to a quality crib. For one, you'll want something with good structural integrity to protect both the health and safety of your baby, and that might mean paying a little more. Look for cribs made of sturdy birch wood or long-lasting maple wood. You should also consider things like caster wheels, height adjusters and extra storage below the crib, all minor things that can make a real difference in the long run, trust me. When it's 3am and you're juggling a baby in one hand and bottles and diapers and pacifiers in the other, you'll be really glad you splurged for extra space!
Save: Baby clothes

We've all had visions of dressing up our baby as a giant hot dog and then blackmailing them with the pictures for the rest of their lives. No? Just me? Well, whether you're into costumes or just simple onesies, baby clothes are one area where it's okay to budget. You can find plenty of cute, warm outfits without breaking the bank, and besides, they grow so fast that it's not like any wardrobe you choose is permanent! Make sure if you purchase used clothes, to give items a good wash before dressing your little one.
Splurge: Cord Blood Banking

After my daughter was born, I learned that many families choose to collect and bank their newborn’s umbilical cord blood. Cord blood stem cells are being used today in the treatment of treat a wide variety of diseases including certain cancers and other blood disorders. Make sure to talk to your doctor about your options and do your own research- it could be worth the splurge.
Save: Diaper Bags

This is one area where comfort should trump style! Forget name brands and celebrity-inspired diaper bags; you need something that you can rely on, something strong and durable and filled with depthless pockets for all your mommy needs on-the-go. The good news is that plenty of bargain bags fit these requirements, even and maybe especially used ones. After all, they've already seen another child safely through his infancy, so why can't they do the same for you? Go get 'em!
Becoming a mom is an exciting time, but breaking the bank isn’t fun! Take these tips and do your own research. It helps to be prepared for big-ticket items ahead of time before the big day comes.
Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26

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