I find the above quote to be so powerful and encouraging. It is so much easier, and so much more comfortable to be "of the world", and not just "in the world". So many of my idols are related to fitting the mold of a worldly woman, not a Godly woman. Comparing myself to others. Seeking affirmation of others. Or having a constant struggle with the way I look. The above quote is a simple, yet wonderful reminder of our role in our world, Whose we are, and how we should be living.
Instead of comparing myself to others, I should be comparing myself to the likeness of Christ, striving to be more and more like Him.
Instead of seeking affirmation of others, I should be praising God for HIS unconditional love, daily mercies, and grace.
Instead of worrying about my outward appearance, I need to let my heart shine brightly, and my soul radiate the love of Jesus. Showing off my kindness and compassion, instead of my new lip gloss or hair-do.
I'm not saying I should stop wearing makeup, quit using a hairbrush, and not buy the pretty new peacoat that I've been eyeing. But when these earthly desires become greater than the desire to show off my faith, my love for others, and my commitment to Christ, that is when I need to take a step back, and reevaluate my thoughts and actions.
I find that the blog world can be a tricky one to navigate - there are so many amazing and encouraging blogs, but some that just make me want to go out and buy everything and anything - falsely thinking that it will make me happier and prettier.
Do you struggle with worldly pressures too?